CS-EE seminar: Challenges in Software Fault Prediction

CS-EE seminar: Challenges in Software Fault Prediction


Title:  Challenges in Software Fault Prediction

Speaker: Çağatay Çatal (Istanbul Kultur University)

Date/Time: Nov 05, 2014 13:40 

Place: FENS G032



Mining software repositories (MSRs) such as source control repositories, bug repositories, deployment logs, and code repositories provide useful patterns for practitioners. Instead of using these repositories as record-keeping ones, we need to transform them into active repositories that can guide the decision processes inside the company. By MSRs with several data mining algorithms, effective software fault prediction models can be built and error-prone modules can be detected prior to the testing phase. We discuss numerous real-world challenges in building accurate fault prediction models and present some solutions to these challenges. Also, an Eclipse based plug-in developed in the project will be shown.

Short Bio:

Cagatay CATAL is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Istanbul Kultur University, Turkey. He received the BS & MSc degrees in Computer Engineering from Istanbul Technical University and the PhD degree in Computer Engineering from Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul. He has 10 years industry experience as a software engineer, project manager, and senior researcher. He worked 8 years at the Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) / Information Technologies Institute as Senior Researcher. He has been involved in the development of several large-scale software development projects in the scope of military and commercial projects. His research interests include software testing, software architecture, software quality, machine learning, and software product lines. He has published more than 50 refereed papers in the area of software engineering, and machine learning. He is external reviewer for Research Council of Canada, Research Council of Turkey, and several software development contests in Turkey.

Contact: Hüsnü Yenigün yenigun@sabanciuniv.edu